WOW! My first summer and it gets hot!! I have to run across the parking lot of daddy's apartment to get to the grass to go potty. Mommy thinks it is funny because it is the only time that I run these days! I am growing fast.. mommy and daddy are always telling me what a big boy I am getting to be. I weigh almost 30 lbs now (3 more and I out weigh Kenzie!!) and am starting to look like a bulldog.. or that is what mommy says (not sure what it means, but that is what I hear her tell daddy! Sometimes they joke because my head grows fast at times and it looks big compared to the rest of my body! Mom says I get that from daddy - must be true because when we go visit friends at the pub they tease daddy that his melon is big! It's ok.. we are both tough and can handle it.

So other than growing a lot and fast! The summer is going really well. I am working on being a good dog and going potty outside all the time.. but have had a few minor setbacks (ok a lot) but I am working at it everyday. I am sleeping through the night (on the bed of course!) I won that battle for now. I also get to play everyday.
I love going to the park on my walks because I can go down the slide! I love to do this and go all by myself and run back up to go again and again. Mom and dad think this is so cool - they uploaded the video to YOUTUBE - so maybe I will be famous one day.
I tend to play rough these days because my teeth hurt me so much - so if I bite hard it isn't on purpose.. they just hurt alot! I have lost a lot of teeth and are getting more and more big dog teeth. I have a toy that I like to chew on to make them feel better and will chew on it for hours at a time.

Otherwise June has been a bit slower for us than May was. Mommy is very glad! We spend time on the weekends just hanging out at home and relaxing. I started to sleep under my mommy's bed. Mommy and Kenzie think it is funny because they can hear me snoring under there when they are trying to fall asleep. I snore a lot! Mommy says that daddy and I have snoring competions almost every night we are together. Sometimes it is hard for her to sleep. When I stay at daddy's house I have gotten into the habit of barking because daddy tries to be a tough guy and not let me sleep with him.. Ha! I win! I bark and bark until he lets me up - can't keep the neighbors up in the apartment!
I had a good trip to Grandpa Budwei's house in Volcano. It is like heaven up there and I got to play with Ruegar and Pocket. They are rotweilers, one is grandpa Budwei's and the other one is Tommy's (that is Tyler's cousin!) They kept me so busy... we ran around all the property (1o acres) and I got really really dirty! I even got to dig a hole for the first time! OH.. I almost forgot I went swimming (ok kinda - I am not that good at swimming!) my butt sinks and I have to work really hard to stay afloat!
This week mommy is out of town with Kenzie and Tyler in San Deigo so I am hanging out with daddy... we have had a boys weekend.. I have gone to Roger's house twice and had a great time.. Ken has come over and BBQ'd and watched Nascar with daddy and I.. OH and the big deal of the week... I fell down the stairs backwards!
YIKES that was so scary! I already didn't like going down the stairs... this made it worse.. I seem to be ok (or that is what daddy says!)Mommy comes home on Saturday night and I can not wait! I miss her and Mackie and Tyler so much... Mommy said she will upload the pictures from Budwei's house when she comes home (they are still on the camera)
more later! xoxo, Drakey!