Another busy week, but one filled with lots of puppy curiosities! Mommy didn't get a lot of time to help me get the update out (We are sorry! See I really am!)
After mommy's birthday we had a few quiet days at home with not much excitement... until I got under foot at daddy's house and caused a minor accident! Daddy thought he was going to step on me so he tried to miss me and fell back into the dishwasher. There was a LOUD BOOM (as daddy hit the counter and dishwasher with all his weight) and a small cute puppy (that is me!) ran to save his life! I haven't been so scared ever; everything ended up ok until the next morning when mommy tried to open the dishwasher and the whole thing came out! OOPS! Puppy Power!
Car Rides and Camping!
Our camping trip finally arrived - mommy and daddy were very excited to go and so was I. I got to meet lots of new humans and a few doggy friends too. Before I left I got to have a nice sleepover with Kenzie though - I was gonna miss her a bunch.
Here is us getting up in the morning before the big trip. I am not as big of a grump as Kenzie or mommy in the morning.. maybe I am a morning dog? We got on the road around before noon for our camping trip. I did really well in the truck. I slept the whole way to Stoneyford (almost 3 hours!). Once we got to the campsite I got to do a little exploring. I got a nice new collar (my first one) for this trip and this black long thing that mommy and daddy try to pull me around on; which I don't like so I don't go. I just sit there while they yank on the thing. I think I heard them say I am stubborn. I don't think so; I just have my own way of doing things! All of our friends started rolling in later and I got lots of attention. I also met Zowie - check her out with my updated pictures.. She is quite the cutie - I tried to share her bed and she wasn't too happy with me.. hmm guess sleeping together on the first day is out of the picture for her. I will have to try again the next trip.
I also learned about cold weather. It rained a lot and I liked to drink the rain drops from the easyup. That was yummy. I played in the bushes and ate lots of twigs and sticks. Which made for a pooped puppy. I had a great time and the car rides were lots of fun.
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