Today I got to stay home with daddy! He is working from home to spend time with me and take me to the doggy doctor. Before mommy went to work I was a good boy and my new personality was not showing. Mommy thinks that daddy must have the special touch because when he yells HEY! I look at him and stop what I am doing... I don't do that for mommy. She doesn't have the 'boom' in her voice like daddy - course he is much much bigger than me - have you seen how big his feet are? Kinda scary for a little guy like me!
Daddy has started calling me chubsy wubsy.. i think he thinks I am a little porker.. but I don't mind. I feel much better this morning; I need to remember plants are not my friend.
Well naptime for me.
Dear Drake,
Papa and I are so glad that you have become a part of our family!The pictures that we have seen are so cute. We can hardly wait to see you and to give you lots of hugs and kisses. We also hope that you visit to the doggy doctor was not too traumatic and that you are feeling better. Try to be nice to everyone and only chew on what is yours. Love, Nana
Hi Nana!
I am excited to come visit you too. Mommy said she is working on daddy to come down in May for a weekend before I get too big. The doggy Dr was very nice too me and only gave me 1 shot and weighed me. I am now 13.5 lbs. I like it when I can chew on everything - I know I am not supposed to but it is really hard to remember. xoxo, Drake
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